New Inner Short

New Inner Short
New Inner Short New Inner Short New Inner Short New Inner Short New Inner Short New Inner Short New Inner Short
Availability: 56 item(s)
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Padded undershorts Pro cuts can be used to offer extra protection under any loose-fitting trousers or shorts. The elasticized waist means they can be worn like conventional boxers making them ideal as second padding for your existing baggy cycling shorts or even for cycling to work. The basic undershorts a simple polyester mesh that allows a constant airflow finished with Deko brand waist elastic. The Coolmax High-Density pad is a three-dimensional antibacterial pad that is ergonomically designed to increase comfort and movement while wicking away excess moisture. Protect your derriere when you ride over lumps and bumps by popping on a pair of padded liners under your favorite MTB shorts. The cushioning chamois will help keep you comfy, and the lightweight mesh lining will help prevent you from overheating. Mostly cyclist likes to wear bib shorts, but others find they get a bit hot.

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