BELA - Chaqueta Piel Merlin Marrón

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BELA - Chaqueta Piel Merlin Marrón
BELA - Chaqueta Piel Merlin Marrón BELA - Chaqueta Piel Merlin Marrón
Usted ahorra: $172.86

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Con sede en Valencia-España, Maximo-Moto es la principal marca de motociclismo de Euro...

Chaqueta de piel de vacuno estilo clásico en marrón y negro con forro térmico desmontable, es ideal para los que buscan estilo y comodidad en la conducción, mira todas tallas disponibles en nuestra tienda online

Bela Merlin Chaqueta de cuero motorista

La Chaqueta de piel Bela Merlin no solo le permite un estilo distintivo, sino que también le asegura durabilidad y protección del cuero de alta calidad que lo mantiene seguro mientras está dentro o fuera de la carretera. El forro térmico acolchado extraíble proporciona una comodidad acogedora perfecta en los paseos invierno.

Información material y técnica:

● Piel de vacuno para exterior.

● Forro acolchado térmico extraíble.

● Forro de malla de poliéster fijo con tejido de poliéster 600D usado para bolsillos móviles y para documentos.

● Protectores de PU para codo y hombro, certificación CE.

● Protector normal en la espalda.

● Cremalleras YKK Gunmetal para el frente y todo el exterior.

● Cierre de muñeca con cremallera y botones a presión en los puños.

Detalles del producto


I bought this for the purpose of keeping warm during the cold mornings standing around waiting for transport to work, which this Jacket certainly does. Size-wise it is perfect.

The price was the most important aspect of the purchase, after buying other jackets and coats that boast quality and fail to deliver.
I wasn't disappointed with this item, however, as the price reflects the great quality and overall investment of wear through the coming colder mornings.
Got what I wanted.
I love this jacket!

I got the package today; I was a bit afraid it would not fit me; I tested it, and it suited very good. The recommendation I received from an user as per question posted here, was indeed correct, and the selected size was perfect. I got a short bike ride on road with the jacket, at 12 degrees Celsius (kind of cold for this place), and protection for wind and cold was great. I have a BMW jacket as well, heavier, maybe with more protection, yet this one was more light, comfortable, not so bulky, and preformed very well. We will see next summer, how it behaves with rain
Great fitting jacket, quality leather and construction

I bought this jacket off of the sizing chart and did not size up at all. Those who said to size up all seemed to be the jacket sizes greater than large. Some admit that it’s only because of their beer gut. I went off the size chart more or less and it worked out for me, I was worried that a medium would be too long in the arms and chest. The leather is definetly high quality, the construction is great from what I can’t tell and the features are great. the jacket is stiff but seems to be breaking in well from rolling up into a ball. The armor is nice and heavy duty, much nicer than my previous jacket. The jacket is stylish and can be worn out not just on the bike which is a plus. The leather smell like leather and oil heavily but it’ll fade. The jacket is also not overly hot when the insulation is taken out. I’d also agree that this jacket for the quality can be sold for double the price it is. The leather seems to be top grain I can see imperfections and also they say in the little pack of papers that they leave the imperfections. Either way it’s not synthetic. It’s quality leather. Supple you’re the touch but rugged too. I’m going to buy black leather zipper pulls to put on the most used zippers they also won’t scratch the bike.
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Cancellation, return and size change policy Can I return a product? Most products purchased at and at Máximo-Moto stores can be returned, provided they retain the original packaging and are in perfect condition . Including accessories, documentation and original packaging, otherwise the good will suffer depreciation. In accordance with the exceptions to the Right of Withdrawal regulated in RDL 1/2007, the return of those customized products will not be accepted. You will only be responsible for the decrease in value of the assets resulting from a manipulation other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and operation of the goods. Once the merchandise is received in our warehouse, and after checking the status of it, the amount will be refunded, according to the payment method made by the customer, except in cash, which will be refunded by bank transfer and, In any case, within a period not exceeding 14 calendar days from the receipt of the returned merchandise. The direct cost of the return of the good will be borne by the customer as collected in the LGCU. Can I change a product? Most of the products purchased at can be changed, as long as they keep the original packaging and are in perfect condition . There are some exceptions and certain deadlines to make the return. In accordance with the exceptions to the Right of Withdrawal regulated in RDL 1/2007, the return of those customized products will not be accepted. You will only be responsible for the decrease in value of the assets resulting from a manipulation other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and operation of the goods. Once the merchandise is received in our warehouse, and after checking the status of it, the change will proceed. The direct cost of the return of the good will be borne by the customer as collected in the LGCU. FIRST FREE CHANGE IN PENINSULA AND BALEARIC The first change will be totally free for purchases made in the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands that exceed 50 euros. It will not be valid for the Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, Azores and Madeira. Only one change process per order will be accepted. What are the terms of return or exchange of a product? The return deadlines that are detailed below will start counting from the delivery of the order: 30 calendar days: for all products on our website 15 calendar days: for products with defect or tare. In purchases made from December 1 to January 7, changes and returns may be made until February 15. The product must be unused, unassembled and in perfect condition. Including accessories, documentation and original packaging, otherwise the good will suffer depreciation. In accordance with the exceptions to the Right of Withdrawal regulated in RDL 1/2007, the return of those customized products will not be accepted. How do I make the return or exchange? Contact our Customer Service +34 961 213 961 or [email protected] where they will inform you of how to start the change process or personally, at the Máximo-Moto stores in Valencia or Zaragoza. Once the merchandise is received in our warehouse, and after checking the status of it, the amount or exchange will be refunded. For returns, the direct cost of the return of the good will be borne by the customer as collected in the LGCU Expenses arising from transportation, and which will not be reimbursed, will be subject to the following conditions: - The return of the order in a Maximum-Moto Shop in Valencia and Zaragoza does not generate any expenses. - Less than 50 euros, only the amount of the items will be refunded. - Over 50 euros, an amount of 6 euros will be subtracted in the peninsula and the Balearic Islands. For Europe, consult customer service. The refund, in this case, will be made through transfer or PayPal. What if I receive the order and the product has a defect or tare? First of all you must take some proof photos of the defect and send them to [email protected] or by WhatsApp +34 602 222 355 along with your contact information. Once the product is analyzed and the defect is checked, Máximo-Moto will take care of the postage corresponding to the recovery of the defective item and the shipment of the correct item. The maximum period to request the exchange or return of the defective item is 15 business days from the date of receipt of the order. And if the product does not match the order placed? Má will take care of all expenses. Both the collection of the wrong product and the delivery costs of the correct order. You will not carry out any reshipment of merchandise until the product subject to return or exchange in our warehouses has been verified, as well as the condition of the packaging and its accessories. OUR RETURN SHIPPING ADDRESS MAXIMO MOTO VALENCIA Telephne: +34 961 21 39 61 Address: Calle Linares No.21

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